Oh My God.................

When I'm go to the WAR MUSEUM [I'm was shot], because all of us need to get in the tunnel [cause the museum was inside there].... (Inside the tunnel sooooooooooo dark [so scary T-T ] somemore inside got bat..........) When I'm inside the tunnel one of my friend was pulling my shirt sooooooo hard*-* .......Most of my friend was so scary (include me also) when the the bat was fly arround us (some of them even scream like hell)........ because we all was in the dark tunnel we can't even move or stand up and it also hot inside............. after few minute we have get out the horrible tunnel.... somemore the stupid guard call us to get in another tunnel (ah..............I'm so angry with it because my leg already so so soooooooooooooo tired, but he still call us go) ...... This time my friend (Melissa) was the first one who get in the another tunnel and I'm was the fourth one who get in the tunne :p.......lAfter we have past alllllll tunnel.... finaly we have a fresh air ('-') ...... the guard also show us where the Japan kill the people and the place they put the dead people head.. (It was sooooo ..[U known] and it still got the dead body skeleton.... #-#
After we have leave the horibleeeeeeee palace [WAR MUSEUM]..... Next we all go to the (USM MUSEUM) inside their we also take some of the photo......

(Hey Jocelyn if you want to know more about my adventure in THE WAR MUSEUM you must back to penang when school holiday... :p)

[ Ok('-') my adventure in THE WAR MUSEUM have finish thank to see my adventure blogger next if I'm still adventure I'm will tell you all.. : ) ]


Ivan Ang said...

Hihi...hehe...this is a comment....erm....good blog....

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