After finish attend the seminar I quickly rush back to home ... cause later on me and my BUDDY (Elvira & Jas) will going out (oh ~~~ It had been a while I did not see both of them kind of MISS them .... although both of say that they don't miss me at all T-T what a cruel friend ~~~~)

so today ours destination was Queensbay ~~~ (mission: watch District 9 ^^) but before that we have to go some where else which was >>>>> JAS NEW HOUSE

TaDa they take photo again & I had to be their photographer again ~~~~ haiz
Taking my self portrait at Jas BEDROOM (^o^) look her bed .....

Then Movie time ~~~ (this movie not bad at all cause contain violent. humor, sad, touching etc)

Last but not least shopping ......
I kind of like this dress but can't afford to buy cause no $$$$$$ T-T that way I take photo with it as a memory

That All


My First day of School HOLIDAY

The first day of my school HOLIDAY (A.K.A I hate that day) cause I need to wake early as usual (6.35am) to attend a seminar -_- Zzzzz

so sleepy (luckily I was sit with my friend so that when BORING I can talk with them ^o^ or else it seem like living in the HELL ~~~~ >.<)

& hungry (THE MAIN REASON WILL BE >>> the teacher don't know how to arrange the break time .... cause there got 3 break time and each break arround 5 or 15min how are we going to buy ours breakfast !!! YOU thought we are F1 driver meh !!!! well in the end me and my friend had to suffer until 12 noon to have ours BREAKFAST T-T ~~~ pity my stomach)

First [me, Audrey, Cavyn, Soo Yin] decide to go McDonald to have ours breakfast but in the end just left me & Cavyn plus Melissa & Fish due some reason .....

when we reach the McDonald we can't find any place to parking so it end up with drive thru ^^ haiz ~~~
This girl >>> Melissa suddely become a camera shy (when I try to take her photo -_- ...)
Time to eat ^o^ yum yum (since the restoraunt is full of people, so we decide go back to SCHOOL to have ours BREAKFAST)

See the way she eat ... (hahaha .... kind of funny >.<)

when we having liao ours breakfast or lunch , suddenly there was cat coming to us (I think may be they HUNGRY gua ... since that the school canteen is closing there no body going to give them any food) haiz pity them ~~~ (and both of my friend >> MELISSA & FISH start to give fries to them) what a animal lover ~~~~

AND that all AUDREY

Photo time ....

Time to work out ... It had been while that I didn't take any photo [therefore today time to take some photo ... ^^]


what a weird dream ...

Yesterday I have a really weird dream !!!!

The dream is about me and my family was having ours dinner at a restaurant which near the beach and I feel that something really bad is coming soon (but I don't what it is ...) then suddenly all the people staring at the sea include my parent .... (therefore I also turn and see it ... GUESS what have I see .... TSUNAMI is coming toward direction but most of the people just stare at wave without moving any single muscle except me ....) therefore I just grab my camera and run for my life (suddenly I heard that someone was calling for me ... and it was my mom but I did not bother her what I do was keep on running but ... I have run to a dead end) >.< ahhhhhh ~~~~~ what the F

(suddenly I don't know what on earth that I was in a really tall house and inside the house there was a guy >>>>>>and I don't even know him ....) the most weird part will be I saw a fish or seal which got 3 eyes O_o and another fish was like a combination of a Tiger & FISH (it mean that the head was a Tiger head but the body was a fish body)

after that I wake up liao ~~~~


Yahoo ~~~ exam[monthly test] plus my choir sing competition finally over ^^ [right now I'm feel so relief -_- ... no more nightmare T-T seriously whenever I got test it kind of hard for me to fall at sleep .... cause something is bothering me ~~~~]

And ... I have a really bad feeling for my monthly test result [cause didn't take it seriously]
reason: why most of the form 6 school no need to have this stupid monthly test but MBS must have !!!!!!!! >.<

Copyright © meine Welt