OMG so scary !!!!!!!

OMG OMG OMG SO SO SO SCARY !!!!!! cause this week seem to be like a SICK WEEK FOR ME [HMN >>>>>> not a very good start for my first week HOLIDAY T-T] first I having a very serious SORE THROAT >.< [AH ~~~ so suffer cause so hard to swallow water and FOOD !!! the MOST important thing in my life >.<] after that suddenly I have a HIGH FEVER [Oh GOOD are you KIDDING with me ........ it can't be RIGHT !!!] but the true is >>>>> YAP I'M HAVING BOTH OF THE SICKNESS IN THE SAME TIME ..... DAMN IT !!!!!!! BUT BUT ......... after a very few day >>>>> all turn up to be GOOD ^^ [ THUMB UP ] well at least my fever is recover ..... hmn .... my sore throat still on MY WAY ^^ HOPE ME GET WELL SOON


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